Literaturdatenbank - Suchergebnis Neue Suche

#TitelVerfasser / Herausgeber
36365 The role of classical handicrafts in the process of conservation and renovation of architectural monuments
Vēsturisko drupu konservācijas problemas = The problems of historical ruin conservation
Gavenda, Miloš
36366 Thee years in Limbaži castle-ruin
Vēsturisko drupu konservācijas problemas = The problems of historical ruin conservation
Plešs, Gundars
36367 Practice of the castle-ruins restoration and applications of traditional methods in conservation of masonry buildings in Lithuania
Vēsturisko drupu konservācijas problemas = The problems of historical ruin conservation
Vaškeliene, Irena
36368 Ruins: Much ado about nothing?
Vēsturisko drupu konservācijas problemas = The problems of historical ruin conservation
Randla, Anneli
36369 The historical expierence of fortress-ruins conservation in Czechia
Vēsturisko drupu konservācijas problemas = The problems of historical ruin conservation
Jerije, Pavel
36370 The restoration of medieval castles in Denmark
Vēsturisko drupu konservācijas problemas = The problems of historical ruin conservation
Jensen, Vivi
36371 The fortified complex of Xivert in Valencia and examples of its restoration
Vēsturisko drupu konservācijas problemas = The problems of historical ruin conservation
Hofbauerova, Vera
36372 On origin of the convent-type castles in the Baltic
Vēsturisko drupu konservācijas problemas = The problems of historical ruin conservation
Durdík, Tomáš
36373 Der Wiederaufbau nach dem 2. Weltkrieg und die Probleme des Denkmalschutzes
mit Beitr. von Joachim Petsch ... Hrsg. von Edeltraud Klueting
36374 Denkmalschutz
Internationale Probleme - Nationale Projekte
Texte + Thesen
Hans Maier, Hrsg.