Steinvikholm Palace: An archiepiscopal residence

Verfasser:Walaker Nordeide, Sœbjørg
Umfang:123-128, Ill.

Castella Maris Baltici 5

Symposium in Rudkøbing auf Langeland, Dänemark, von 31. August bis 4. September 2001

Personen / Herausgeber:Langelands Museum
Erschienen:Rudkøbing, 2001
Verlag:Langelands Museum
Umfang:193 S. : Ill.
Reihe / Band:Archaelogia Medii Aevi Finlandiae ; VI
Signatur:Ba (2008/548)

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Archäologische Zeugnisse von den Brunnen in den Steinburgen Lettlands, Ende des 12. bis Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts
A private fortification in Gammel Forlev near Korsør, Denmark
Steinvikholm Palace: An archiepiscopal residence
Heinzanlagen in den mittelalterlichen Burgen Llettlands
Man and The Fortress: Ways for Co-Existence in Medieval Russia
New light on Stockholm Castle
The growth of living areas in Finnish castles in the 14-15 th centuries
The economic buildings at Häme Castle during the mid-sixteenth century
The interior of the Lithuanian wooden castles
Krapperup and its surroundings Economy, environment, and consumption at a Scanian medieval castle
Erforschung des Vasallenhauses der Burg Křivoklát
Activities in the Archbishop's residences in Norway, illustrated by the documentary evidence
The nobleman's estate in Denmark in the period 300-1500 AD
The royal castles of Denmark as centres of regional administration, tax collection and mobilization in the late Middle Ages
Life and lifestyle in the Baltic Castle: Patterns in ceramic consumption c. 1200-1600
The minor "castles" of the gentry in Småland, Sweden
Die "Hausordnung" der Burg Heilsberg um 1470
Arms and Armour in the Castles of North - Eastern Poland
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