The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty in the Development Process of the Dai Viet Civilization Thanh nha Ho trong tien trinh phat trien cua van minh Dai Viet

Verfasser:Do Quang Trong
Umfang:365-380, Ill.

Perspectives on the archaeology of Vietnam

international colloquium, Hanoi 29th February - 2nd March 2012; [International Colloquium "The Archaeology of Viet Nam]

Personen / Herausgeber:ed. by Andreas Reinecke. In collab. with the LWL-Museum for Archaeology Herne ...
Erschienen:Bonn, 2015
Verlag:German Archaeological Inst.
Umfang:404 S. : Ill.
Signatur:Hob (2017/120)

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The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty in the Development Process of the Dai Viet Civilization Thanh nha Ho trong tien trinh phat trien cua van minh Dai Viet
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