Three Castles at Hald: An Unfinished Earthwork and a Forgotten Siege - New Archaeological Investigations into the Medieval Fotifications at Hald

Verfasser:Hjermind, Jesper
Umfang:147-172, Ill.

Castles at War

The Danish Castle Research Association "Magt, Borg og Landskab", Interdisciplinary Symposium 2013

Personen / Herausgeber:Ed. by Rainer Atzbach ...
Erschienen:Bonn, 2015
Umfang:230 S. : Ill.
Reihe / Band:Castles of the North ; 1
Signatur:Ba (2015/882)

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Castles and War in 13th Century Livonia and Estonia According to Henry of Livonia
Nyborg During the Count's Feud (1534-1536) with a Closer Look Upon the City's Later Renaissance Fotifications
The Legend of Hot Tar or Pitch as a Defensive Weapon
The Fatal Siege of the Royal Castle in Stockholm (1501-1502) - The Beginning of the End of the Nordic Union
Three Castles at Hald: An Unfinished Earthwork and a Forgotten Siege - New Archaeological Investigations into the Medieval Fotifications at Hald
The After Math of a Siege - The Castle and its Surroundings After a Siege. Based Upon Local Assemblages from Lolland-Falster
"Suffossores immiserunt ad subvertundum muros" - Mines and Miners in Medieval Siege Warfare
The Siege and Storm of Lindholmen During the Second Hanseatic War (1368-1369)
Sieges, Siege Castles, and the Questionof Visibility - New Research with the Help of LiDAR-scans
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