Dendrochronological analysis and the study of space in medieval Finnish castles - Case studies of the castles of Häme and Olavinlinna
Verfasser: | Mikkola, Terhi |
Umfang: | 35-42, Ill. |
Hortus novus
Fresh approaches to medieval archaeology in Finland
Personen / Herausgeber: | The Society for Medieval Archaeology in Finland / Visa Immonen ... |
Erschienen: | Saarijärvi, 2007 |
Verlag: | Saarijärven Offset Oy |
Umfang: | 176 S. : Ill. |
Reihe / Band: | Archaelogia Medii Aevi Finlandiae ; XIV |
ISBN: | 978-951-96801-6-3 |
Signatur: | Ba (2008/573) |
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